Meat Characteristics Of African Antelope (Antilope Cervicapra) In Ago-Iwoye Area Of Ogun State, Nigeria


  • Apata, E. S. Meat Science Laboratory, Department of Animal Production Olabisi Onabanjo University,Yewa Campus, Ayetoro, Ogun State. Nigeria.
  • Eniolorunda, O. O. Meat Science Laboratory, Department of Animal Production Olabisi Onabanjo University,Yewa Campus, Ayetoro, Ogun State. Nigeria.
  • Ajayi, K. I. Meat Science Laboratory, Department of Animal Production Olabisi Onabanjo University,Yewa Campus, Ayetoro, Ogun State. Nigeria.
  • Okubanjo, A. O. Department of Agriculture and Industrial Technology Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria


African antelope, Meat characteristics, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria


The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the percentage of some selected muscles of antelope  relative to its half carcass weight, proximate composition of raw and cooked antelope meat as well as  sensory attributes of the meat. Four antelopes of mixed sex and of 2-2.5years were used for this study. They  were purchased live from Ago-Iwoye market in Ogun State, Nigeria and were transported to Meat  Science Laboratory of the Department of Animal Production, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Yewa Campus,  Ayetoro for processing. They were weighed, bled, eviscerated, washed and chilled at 4oC for 24 hours. The  carcasses were sawed into two halves and one half was weighed and fabricated into primal cuts. Selected  muscles were excised from the cuts weighed and their percentages relative to chilled half carcass weight  were determined. Proximate composition of raw and cooked semimembranosus and longissimus dorsi  muscles as well as the taste panel evaluation of the two muscles was conducted on a 9-point hedonic  scale  I correspond to dislike very much and 9 like very much after broiling the meat at 160oC for 25min. The  results showed that longissimus dorsi muscle was biggest followed by biceps femoris, quadriceps femoris  and semimembranosus muscles, while vectus abdomimis, bradclialis and biceps brachii muscles were smallest. Crude protein, ash, nitrogen free extract and tenderness were higher in cooked meat, while fat  was lower. In conclusion, antelope (Antilope cervicapra) should be domesticated to complement the  conventional livestocks so that adequate meat supply to growing human population can be achieved.  


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How to Cite

S., A. E., O., E. O., I., A. K., & O., O. A. (2023). Meat Characteristics Of African Antelope (Antilope Cervicapra) In Ago-Iwoye Area Of Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 3(3), 144–149. Retrieved from


