Land Rights Characteristics And Access To Land: Implications On Food Security In Nigeria


  • Agwu Kenneth Digital Park Unit, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria 
  • Amasiatu Oluchi   G. Digital Park Unit, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria 
  • Onuoha Obianuju   U Digital Park Unit, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria 


Land rights, Access to land, food security, Land rights characteristics, Land tenure, Food insecurity


In recent times, food security issues have come to the front burner on national discussions in Nigeria sequel to the pride of place given to it by the Yar'AduaJonathan administration in its seven point agenda. The paper examined land rights characteristics and access to land and their implications on food security in Nigeria. It explored various strategies to gain access to land and the effects of land rights characteristics (discriminatory (gender, age, and nationality), determinable, subject to legal and town planning apparatus, transferable, derivable, useful and controllable) on access to land which eventually affects food security. It also examines the consequences of food insecurity on the nation such as dependency on other nations, health crisis, trade imbalance, hunger/famine, social and political crisis, rise in the prices of food etc. It is the candid desire of this paper to trigger off the zeal and interest, not only to expedite work on the review process of the land use act, but for those entrusted/saddled with the responsibility of reviewing the act and implementation thereafter, to consciously employ their wits and patriotism in doing so.



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How to Cite

Kenneth, A., G.,A.O. , & U,O.O. . (2023). Land Rights Characteristics And Access To Land: Implications On Food Security In Nigeria . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(2&3), 147–156. Retrieved from


