The Role Of Adequate Rainfall In The Development Of Environmental Resources And Enhancement Of Tourism Potential In Ugbo Town Of Enugu State, Nigeria


  • Ogbuene, E. B. Centre for Environmental Management and Control University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus


Tourism, Forests, Wildlife, Biodiversity, Environmental resources


The position of adequate rainfall in the development of environmental resources is a worthwhile research area in the concept of tourism enhancement and sustainable resource exploitation. The study became indispensable due to the significance of biodiversity, forests, wildlife and other environmental features in development of tourism industry in Nigeria. Photographs of crucial tourism potentials and analysis of rainfall pattern with charts were employed to ascertain the position and discuss the role of tourism potentials in the development of environmental resources in the area. It was observed that tourism potentials which exist in the area include landforms, wetlands, biodiversity, forests and wildlife. These are highly influenced by the condition of rainfall in the area. These tourism potentials were mostly conserved through groves and deity shrines. The paper maintain that the tourism potentials are capable of yielding huge sums of revenue yearly to the state government once developed into tourism centers. Encouragement of public and private partnership in the developing tourist sites everywhere in Nigeria was recommended among others. 


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How to Cite

B., O. E. (2023). The Role Of Adequate Rainfall In The Development Of Environmental Resources And Enhancement Of Tourism Potential In Ugbo Town Of Enugu State, Nigeria . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 3(1), 44–54. Retrieved from


