Effects of Dietary Advanced Lipid Oxidation End-products on Colitis Healing in Albino Rats


  • Adeleye, G. S. Department of Physiology, Anambra State University, Uli, Nigeria
  • Nwozor, C. M. Department of Physiology, Anambra State University, Uli, Nigeria
  • Okafor, C. B. Department of Physiology, Anambra State University, Uli, Nigeria


Lipid oxidation, Colitis, Albino rats, Healing


This Experiment is undertaken to investigate the effects of dietary advanced lipid oxidation endproducts on colitis healing in albino rats. 45 albino rats (divided into 3 groups - control, low dose and high dose ALE groups) of average weight of 200g were used for this study. Colitis was induced in all groups using 6% acetic acid. The low and high doses were fed with 7.5g and 15g ALE respectively for 20 days.The control animals ate normal rat chow. The stools of all animals were scored according to the scale of Masonobu et al (2002) for 20 days. On days 7, 14 and 20 three animals were sacrificed from each group and 8cm of the colon was cut out for weight measurement and gross morphological scoring.The results show that on day 6 colitis scores were 0.63 ± 0.03 (control), 0.80 ± 0.03(low dose),0.73 +_ 0.03(high dose). On day 20, 0.33 ± 0.03 (control), 0.50 ± 0.03 (low dose), 0.50 ± 0.02 (high dose). ALE reduced colitis healing rate compared to the control. This study concludes that ALE aggravated acetic-acid induced colitis in albino rats.




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How to Cite

S., A. G., M., N. C., & B., O. C. (2023). Effects of Dietary Advanced Lipid Oxidation End-products on Colitis Healing in Albino Rats. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 5(1), 56–59. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/jeiadc/article/view/219


