Silvicultural Practices Of Gum Arabic Tree (Acacia Senegal): A Revie


  • Alkali, U. U Department of Forestry Technology, Yobe State College of Agriculture, Gujba. Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria


Acacia Senegal, Silvicultural Practices


The silvicultural practices of Acacia senegal (Gum Arabic tree) are reviewed in this paper. Acacia senegal is a tree of multiple uses and the main gum Arabic producing Acacia species. Its contribution towards environmental protection and economic development in the Sudano-sahelian is highly significant. The paper analysed the main environmental and climatic factors supporting the growth and development of the plants. Acacia senegal is grown in large areas of West, East, Central and Northern Africa and Asia. The climate, soil and water needs are well suited for its growth and development. Available literatures confirm that the tree can be produced at a seedlings stage in the nursery under a controlled environment up to the stage that will be ready for transplanting when the rainy season has fully established. 


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How to Cite

U, A. U. (2023). Silvicultural Practices Of Gum Arabic Tree (Acacia Senegal): A Revie . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(2&3), 140–145. Retrieved from


