Perspectives Of Security Of Land Tenure Systems For Urban Housing In N'Djamena, Chad


  • Djeroh, N Department of Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of Environmental Design Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria
  • Ojibo . S Department of Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of Environmental Design Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria


Land tenure system, perspectives of security, Urban housing, N’Djamena


In the complexity of land tenure systems in the cities of developing countries in general and in sub-Saharan Africa in particular, secure land tenure through the formal provision of individual property title may not be the only prerequisite for the integration of urban poor in the city. Security of land tenure does not always seem to be measured by formal title and statutory legal tender papers. The pros and cons of different tenure options in different contexts are not adequately known to make policy judgments. This paper therefore, attempts to examine what forms of tenure arrangements, in Chadian cities, are able to support the poor by means of the welfare distribution, improving their living conditions, facilitating their empowerment and access to the market value of their property. The paper therefore recommends that land tenure has to be seen as part of a package of policy measures intended to improve the efficiency and equity of urban land and property markets and improving the living conditions of the people. It is vital to address the development of systems and products that can be used by the majority of people.



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How to Cite

N, D., & S, O. . (2023). Perspectives Of Security Of Land Tenure Systems For Urban Housing In N’Djamena, Chad . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(2&3), 75–86. Retrieved from


