Supervision and Productivity in Academic Libraries: Focus on the University of Ghana Library System (UGLS)


  • Daniel Opoku The Balme Library, University of Ghana Legon, Ghana.


University of Ghana Library System, productivity, performance, Supervision


The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of supervision of nonprofessional library staff in the University of Ghana Library System (UGLS) on
their job performance and productivity. The research design for this study was
the survey method, using both questionnaire and interview as instruments for
data collection. As a result of the smallness of the population, the entire 109
libraty staff comprising 22 professionals and 87 para-professionals were sampled.
Simple percentage was used for data analysis. A time-use study was also conducted
during which the activities and services of the staff were repeatedly observed.
Respondents showed a clear personal interest in supervision and productivity,
and readily provided relevant information. A direct relationship was observed
between supportive supervision and productivity. Effective and supportive
supervision could help maximize staff output in the University of Ghana Library
System (UGLS).


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How to Cite

Opoku, D. (2012). Supervision and Productivity in Academic Libraries: Focus on the University of Ghana Library System (UGLS). Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(2), 64–69. Retrieved from


