The Plight Of Widows In Nigeria: The Paradox For Traditional Counselling Of The Bereaved


  • M. U. Ushe National Open University of Nigeria Headquarters Victoria Island, Lagos


plight, traditional counseling, bereaved, Widowhood


Historical studies have shown that widowhood in pre-Christian and Islamic
periods was a natural phenomenon which carry with it the risk of conjugal
bereavement due to the death of one spouse. However, the situation changed
immediately the society started subjecting widows into various tortures and
mistreatment (especially from the 1970s), leading to distrust amongst families
and eventually violence amongst the people. This study, therefore examined the
plight of widows in Nigeria as a paradox for traditional counseling of the bereaved
in Pre-Colonial times and the Nigerian situations today.


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How to Cite

Ushe, M. U. (2011). The Plight Of Widows In Nigeria: The Paradox For Traditional Counselling Of The Bereaved. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(3), 26–34. Retrieved from


