The Role Of Christian Religious Education In Resolving Political Violence In The Northern States Of Nigeria


  • M. U. Ushe School of Arts and Social Sciences National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos


This paper discusses the role of religious education in resolving political violence
in Nigeria, with focus on Northern States from 1951 to 2003. The paper also
reviews political violence in Nigeria, and examine the role of religious education
in combating political violence in Nigeria. The study employed inter-disciplinary
method in the gathering of information. Findings from the research revealed that
political violence is pervasive in Nigeria, especially Northern States. The paper
recommends among others, that Christian religious education should be
encouraged to debunk the persistent religious and political violence in Nigeria


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How to Cite

Ushe, M. U. (2012). The Role Of Christian Religious Education In Resolving Political Violence In The Northern States Of Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(1), 41–53. Retrieved from


