Principals’ Classroom Visitation and School Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in South-South Geopolitical Zone, Nigeria


  • Boma George Faculty of Education, Delta State University, Abraka


Principals, School Discipline, Classroom Visitation


This study examined principals’ classroom visitation and school discipline in public
secondary schools in South-South Geopolitical Zone, Nigeria. The study was guided by two
(2) hypotheses. This study adopted the correlation research methods of the ex-post-facto
design. The population was all the principals and teachers in public secondary schools in the
South-South Geopolitical Zone, Nigeria. A stratified random sampling technique was used to
select 1185 respondents in three (3) States of the South Geopolitical Zone. The instrument for
data collection was the “Principals’ Classroom Visitation and School Discipline
Questionnaire” (PCVSDQ). It was validated through the face and content validity. The
reliability of the instrument used the Split Half method, and an overall coefficient of 0.76 was
established. The outcome confirmed the reliability. The instrument was administered to
principals and teachers who were the respondents. Data were analysed using mean rating
and standard deviation to provide an answer to research questions, and the benchmark for
accepting or rejecting an item was 2.50. A mean score below 2.50 was rejected; 2.50 and
above were accepted. Pearson Product Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to test
hypotheses at a 0.05 significant level. Findings revealed that classroom visitation influences
school discipline. Also, the level of school discipline in public secondary schools in the
South-South Geopolitical Zone was high. Hence, the States Ministry of Education should
encourage school principals to supervise teachers and students to ensure school discipline.

Author Biography

Boma George, Faculty of Education, Delta State University, Abraka


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How to Cite

George, B. (2023). Principals’ Classroom Visitation and School Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in South-South Geopolitical Zone, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 14(1), 11–22. Retrieved from


