Total Quality Management in Academic Libraries: The Perception and Expectations of Graduate Students of The University of Ghana, Legon


  • Daniel Opoku Periodicals & Exchange Balme Library of the University of Ghana, Legon


perception and expectations, academic libraries, Total Quality Management


This study focused on the perception and expectations of graduate students on
Total Quality Management (TQM) in academic libraries with special reference
to the University of Ghana Central Library (The Balme Library). The main theme
of the study is the analysis of data in relation to service excellence, service
effectiveness, service efficiency and continuous improvement in the Balme Library.
This study used the quantitative survey method to generate data from 200
respondents out of the 450 total graduate population and the responses were
analyzed using Krukal Wallis One-Way ANOVA (non-parametric) model to test
the differences in perception and expectations of postgraduate users of the library.
The study found out that in practical terms TQM is not being applied as a
management technique in the Balme Library. It therefore concludes that the
importance of TQM is not centered around postgraduate students' perception
and expectations only, but also in anticipating and exceeding the demands of a
fast changing environment of service delivery especially the academic libraries.


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How to Cite

Opoku, D. (2012). Total Quality Management in Academic Libraries: The Perception and Expectations of Graduate Students of The University of Ghana, Legon. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(3), 1–7. Retrieved from


