Developing Community Based Disaster Programmes and Resilient Strategies for South East District Disaster Management in Botswana


  • Kgosietsile Maripe, Ph.D Lecturer in the Social Work Department, University of Botswana, P/Bag 0022, Gaborone. 


Vulnerability, resilience, disaster management, community based programme


Communities in Botswana have suffered from floods, drought, wild-land fires, windstorms, and heavy rains. The perpetual losses suffered by Botswana motivated the need for this research to identify and analyse factors that make communities vulnerable and non-resilient to disasters. The aim of the research is to investigate the resilience and adaptability of communities to disasters in the South East Administrative District, Botswana. This is achieved by undertaking a documented investigation and analysis of hazards and risks, vulnerabilities, and capacities prevalent in three communities (Ramotswa, Otse and Mogobane) and appraising the perceptions and conduct of exposed individuals and communities. The study is organized in two phases. The qualitative phase interviewed 88 participants, 6 (six) focus groups, and 26 key informants to assess their perception of hazards and risks, vulnerability, and resilience and their experiences of disasters. The quantitative phase covered 3567 (94%) of the total respondents who completed the questionnaire to establish the extent of the problem, its scope, and to describe prevalent resilience characteristics. A key result from the analysis is that communities are vulnerable and are constantly under disaster threat and that communities, families and individuals lack fundamental knowledge, skills, and techniques to enhance their resilience to disasters, hence the disaster management strategy.


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How to Cite

Maripe, Ph.D, K. (2023). Developing Community Based Disaster Programmes and Resilient Strategies for South East District Disaster Management in Botswana. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 8(1), 1–13. Retrieved from


