The Contributions of Rural Institutions in Rural Development: Case of Smallholder Farmer Groups and NGOs in Uganda


  • Patrick Nalere PhD Student in Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom.


NGOs, smallholder farmer groups, rural institutions, development


In this work, through a case study, the role of NGOs and smallholder farmer groups as sample rural institutions in addressing four main objectives is examined. A range of organizational level information on the characteristics is collected using various research tools. The data collection tools administered to leaders of the SFGs and staff of NGOs mainly included a structured questionnaire, focus group discussion, interview guide, key informants and literature review. A random sample of 40 NGOs and smallholder farmer groups (SFGs) were selected, stratified by location in the Central region of Uganda for a period between 2002 and 2012 for which the data were available. The central region of Uganda was chosen based on their ease of logistics – transport and communication, and presence of NGOs and functional SFGs. Based on the findings presented in this study, it is conclusively remarked that rural development in Uganda is informed by four major objectives of improving health, education, agriculture as well as improving industry.


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How to Cite

Nalere, P. (2023). The Contributions of Rural Institutions in Rural Development: Case of Smallholder Farmer Groups and NGOs in Uganda. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 7(2), 22–49. Retrieved from


