The Role of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in National Economic Development in Nigeria


  • Akpanebu, I. J. Department of Quantity Surveying AkwaIbom State Polytechnic, IkotOsurua
  • Olu–Gbo, T. S. Department of Project Management and Technology Federal University of Technology, Owerri


Project, Economic Development, Management, EIA, and Execution


Due to the need for Environmental Impact Assessment EIA in national development, the role of EIA in national economic development in Nigeria is reviewed to see how it impact on national economic development. It is observed among many others that the relevance of EIA provides quality information about a project that helps quality decision to be taken before execution. Therefore, it study concluded that with EIA, every developmental project will have positive impact on national economic development and future generational benefit of the nation. Hence, the study recommends that proper EIA should be properly carried out by professionals and the government should enforce and regulate the agency of environmental management to carry out EIA on projects before execution and penalties to those that violate the law.



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How to Cite

J., A. I., & S., O. T. (2023). The Role of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in National Economic Development in Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 6(1), 60–64. Retrieved from


