Performance Characteristics Of Tephrosia Bracteolata (Gull Et Perr) Based Diets In Cell Wall Fractions Digestibility And Nitrogen Retention In West African Dwarf Goats


  • Ogungbesan, A. M. Department of Animal Production, College of Agricultural Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Yewa Campus, Ayetoro, Ogun State.
  • Akeem, L. A. Department of Animal Science and Fisheries, University of Port -Harcourt Nigeria.
  • Fajemisin, A. N. Department of Animal Production and Health Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria
  • Mbomie, S. E. I.R.A.D. Bambui, P. O. Box 51, Bamenda, Cameroon. 


Cell wall digestibility, Performance Characteristics, Nitrogen Retention, Tephrosia bracteolata, West African Dwarf Goats


Sixteen west African Dwarf Goats (8 bucks and 8 does) were balanced for age, sex and weight (average of 5.79±0.60kg), to test for performance characteristics, cell wall digestibility and Nitrogen Retention. The animals were fed Tephrosia bracteolata based diets. They were allotted randomly to the following dietary treatments (T. bracteolata, P. maximum, Concentrate) namely, I as control, II, III and IV for one hundred and twelve days; 14 day pre-growth adaptation, 84 days growth and 14 days digestibility (7 days adaptation and 7 days monitoring). Highest DM was observed in IV and lowest in I. Treatment IV also had highest and daily weight gain and lowest occurred in I. Concerning NDF, ADF and NDL digestibility (%), highest occurred in IV and and lowest recorded in I. Similarly trend of highest in IV and lowest in I repeated itself with respect to nitrogen balance. This study confirmed that with concentrate waste, Tephrosia bracteolata can be sole feed to goats with A.I.B. (Agro industrial byproducts) for optimal performance with or without grass supplement despite it inherent anti nutrient factors.


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How to Cite

M., O. A., A., A. L., N., F. A., & E., M. S. (2023). Performance Characteristics Of Tephrosia Bracteolata (Gull Et Perr) Based Diets In Cell Wall Fractions Digestibility And Nitrogen Retention In West African Dwarf Goats . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 3(2), 61–71. Retrieved from


