The Effectiveness Of Replacing Maize With Palm Kernel Cake In Broilers’ Starter Diet


  • Kperegbeyi J. I. Department of Agricultural Technology, School of Agriculture, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Nigeria
  • Ikperite S. E. Department of Agricultural Technology, School of Agriculture, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Nigeria


Palm kernel cake, standard diet, feed consumption, hubbard strain, protein intake, maize


This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of using palm kernel cake in place of maize in broilers’ starter diet. One hundred and eighty day old hubbard strain were used for this experiment. The birds were reared in deep litter floor pens. A total of 12 pens, with an allowance for one feeder and one drinker per pen was used. The floor of the pen was covered with wood shavings. Each group was placed in a pen with an area of 5.00m2. The average weight per bird at the start of the experiment was 500grams above. Antibiotics, coccidiostat and vaccinations were administered periodically as required. The experiment lasted for 0 - 6 weeks. Data obtained were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and significant means were separated using Duncan's Multiple Range Test at 5% level of significance. The experiment lasted for 6 weeks. The results indicated that weight gain, final body weight gain, feed consumption and feed to gain ratios were not significantly affected by dietary treatment. The metabolisable energy (ME) intake was significantly affected by dietary treatments. Protein intake was not significantly affected by dietary treatment. It increased with increases in PKC level of diet. There was no mortality during this period. As a result of high cost of maize, PKC could be used to replace at least 50% of the required amount of maize in broiler starter diets. 


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How to Cite

I., K. J., & E., I. S. (2023). The Effectiveness Of Replacing Maize With Palm Kernel Cake In Broilers’ Starter Diet . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 3(1), 145–149. Retrieved from


