Agrochemicals and Crops Productivity in Adamawa State University Farmlands in Gidan Madara, Mubi South Local Government Area, Adamawa State


  • Musa Hamza Shalangwa Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola
  • Adamu Ahmadu College of Agriculture Ganye Staff School, Adamawa State


Adamawa State University Farmlands, Agrochemicals, crop production, fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides


A field survey was carried out at Adamawa State University Farmlands in Gidan Madara, Mubi South Local Government Area of Adamawa State. The aim was to investigate the farming chemicals and crops productivity in the University farmlands. A structured questionnaire for peasant farmers on palliation of farming chemicals on crop production was employed to elicit data. However, 100 copies of questionnaire were administered to farmers on the field. The questionnaires were randomly issued to the farmers directly on the farm during harvest season. Frequency counts and simple percentage were employed to analyse data presented in table. Results revealed that salt have corrosive effects on soil properties and plants growth. Farming chemicals imposed yellowing of leaves and inhabits growth. These symptoms affect maize healthy growth and yielding capacity. Farming chemicals bleached used to analyze the proportional impacts and severity on productivity of crop and soil components.


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How to Cite

Shalangwa, M. H., & Ahmadu, A. (2024). Agrochemicals and Crops Productivity in Adamawa State University Farmlands in Gidan Madara, Mubi South Local Government Area, Adamawa State. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 16(1), 56–62. Retrieved from