Reasons for Continuous Decline of Students’ Academic Performance in External Examinations


  • N. K. Egede Holy Field International School, Abraka, Delta State


External Examination, Performance, Continuous Decline, Education


In recent times, the performance of students in external examinations
such as the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)
amongst others has continued to decline. Available statistics shows that
in 2005 only 27.53% of students who sat for the West African Senior
School Certificate Examination obtained five credit passes and above
including mathematics and english language, while in 2008, it was
13.74%%. This study aims at identifying the reasons for continuous
decline of students performance in external examinations. The findings
of the study indicate among other things that the continuous decline of
student’s performance in external examination is attributed to student’s
incessant activities on social media. It is therefore, recommended that
private organizations should begin to organize educative competitions
among students and schools such as debates, while government should
establish-well furnished libraries in all schools.


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How to Cite

Egede, N. K. (2014). Reasons for Continuous Decline of Students’ Academic Performance in External Examinations. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 5(3), 51–57. Retrieved from


