Librarianship: A Pivot of Functional Education for Sustainable Healthy and Safe Academic Environment in Nigeria


  • O. Azino Akpokurerie Delta State Polytechnic Library, Ogwashi-Uku, Delta State, Nigeria
  • Florence A. Idoko Delta State Polytechnic Library, Ogwashi-Uku, Delta State, Nigeria


Librarianship, functional, education pivot sustainability, environment


There is no doubt that education and librarianship has created a horse and a rider relationship, because with a well equipped library, researchers can do wonders in their diverse fields of endeavour. Libraries all over the world are central point for a functional education, which eventually create a safe environment for education with the relevant materials acquire which
gives room for proper usage by library users. This survey examined librarianship as a pivot of functional education for sustainable healthy and safe academic environment in Nigeria. It also focused on the need for government to equip libraries in the education sectors. Data for the study were gotten through a self structured questionnaire sent to 160 respondents through random sampling technique. Personal interview was also used to generate data for the study. Only about 4% of the questionnaire was not retrieved. Frequency counts and simple percentage were used in analyzing the data. The findings of the study revealed among other things that majority of the respondents are of the view that libraries in view of their role in the educational system are meeting with the standard of education, which has placed them as a ladder towards good education. The inclusion of librarianship studies in the educational curriculum to give a vast knowledge of the utilization of libraries to scholars was recommended amidst others.

Author Biography

Florence A. Idoko, Delta State Polytechnic Library, Ogwashi-Uku, Delta State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Akpokurerie, O. A., & Idoko, F. A. (2011). Librarianship: A Pivot of Functional Education for Sustainable Healthy and Safe Academic Environment in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 22–27. Retrieved from


