Stock Utilisation Study Based On Use Of Call Mark In Nigerian Universities


  • P. C. Aziagba University of Port Harcourt Library, Choba Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • U. H. Akpan University of Port Harcourt Library, Choba Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


resource use, class mark, resource analyses, use study, departmental resources, library use, collection management


The assessment of use of library stock in university libraries
based on class mark is hereby reported. It is aimed at showing
that quest for balanced knowledge does not leave gap in
resource development. The report shows that faculties' use
of resources spread through all class marks. The books used
in these libraries for a period of six months were classified
and used for these analyses. They were taken from the shelves
by the users and before re-shelving the class mark groups
were recorded. While chart one shows the spread of the use,
it was noticed that books from some call mark groups were
not used at the period of this survey. Also it was possible to
track records of frequently used materials which could be
keyed into the data base preferentially.


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How to Cite

Aziagba, P. C., & Akpan, U. H. (2010). Stock Utilisation Study Based On Use Of Call Mark In Nigerian Universities. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 1(1), 97–113. Retrieved from


