Uplink Transmit Power Control In A Code Division Multiple Access Network: A Fuzzy Modeling Approach
CDMA, transmit power control, fuzzy controlAbstract
Transmit power has always placed a significant constraint on the performance of wireless radio systems. The transmit power control problem can be characterized as that of maintaining adequate power in each transmitted waveform so as to increase the expectation that the minimum required SIR at the receiver will at least be reached. Several power control algorithms have been proposed, of which the class of distributed and autonomous transmit power control algorithms have been shown in literature to perform quite satisfactorily when compared to centralized schemes due to the moderate complexity that is achievable; and the vast control and signalling overhead that is saved. This work explores the application of fuzzy control to the subject of modelling uplink transmit power control in code division multiple access system. A possible implementation scenario of an SIR-based fully distributed constrained transmit power control algorithm in a multiservice network by applying fuzzy proportional-plus-integral control with a two-input (error and error change) and oneoutput (transmit power adjustment command) fuzzy rule base and inference engine is proposed.
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