Presentation Of Inverse Semigroup As Graph


  • Mogbonju, M. M. Department of Mathematics, University of Abuja. Abuja.
  • Mokanjuola, S. O. Department of Mathematics, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.
  • Adeniji, A. O. Department of Mathematics, University of Abuja. Abuja.


Semigroup, graph, Inverse semigroup, isomorphisms, homomorphism.


Generally, semigroups can be shown as graphs. In this paper we present how inverse semigroups are associated with graph as G = (X, A) where X is the set of vertices or nodes of (X, A) and A is its set of edges or arrows. In particular, we give some examples of inverse semigroup associated with graphs. Thus an inverse semi group graph (X, A , • ) to be graph ( X, A) such that (X, ) is an inverse semi group and for every x1, x2 , x3 X, (x1, x2) A. it implies that (x3x1, x3x2) A. Inverse semigroup was epresented by the aid of graph with multiple edges. In view of the findings of this work, it can be extended by presenting other types of semigroups, nonregular simple, bisimple, pre-simigroups or other semigroups as graphs. Hence, we represent inverse semigroup by the aid of graph with multiple edges. Keywords:  , 


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How to Cite

M., M. M., O., M. S., & O., A. A. (2023). Presentation Of Inverse Semigroup As Graph . International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 1(1,2&3), 121–128. Retrieved from


