The Design and Analysis of a Micro Controller Based Fire Alarm System with Water Sprinkler


  • Emmanuel N. Ifeagwu Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State
  • Adeniyi D. Adebayo Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State


Micro Controller, Sensor, System, Automatic alarm, Water sprinkler


A microcontroller-based fire alarm system with a water sprinkler was designed and analyzed. The objective was to enhance the traditional fire alarm system's detection and quenching process, which is still widely utilized by several institutions in Africa. Furthermore, a microcontroller-based system was to take the place of the traditional fire alarm system. Traditional fire alarm systems, with their constraints of rapid warning and automatic fire control, have not shown to be as successful in reducing the number of people killed and property destroyed by fires. As a result, with the development of technology, the requirement for a trustworthy, effective fire alarm system with automated water sprinkler procedures has become crucial. It is possible to detect flame, turn on pumps, and keep an eye on the water level. The work was constructed with an embedded microcontroller system that was linked to sensors that can measure water level and detect flames. The water level sensor was required to keep an eye on the water level and guarantee that the pump produces water. When it detected a flame, the system sounded an alert for a brief period while it waited to see if the flame was out or if the alarm was set off by mistake. After the brief period, if the fire was still there, a signal was given to the pump to start pumping water to the sprinkler, which sprinkles water to put it out. The alarm system went off when the fire was extinguished, signaling that no more fire had been found. Consequently, a micro controller based fire alarm system with a water sprinkler was proposed.


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How to Cite

Ifeagwu, E. N., & Adebayo, A. D. (2024). The Design and Analysis of a Micro Controller Based Fire Alarm System with Water Sprinkler. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 8(1), 1–10. Retrieved from