Minimization Of Mobile-Network Channel Interference Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Channel Assignment, PSO, Network Optimization, Mobile CommunicationsAbstract
The global increase in the demand for mobile communication services has raised the need for efficient channel assignment within the limited available bandwidth available to wireless network operators hence one of the most important challenges faced by these operator is that of efficiently assigning available channels such that the utilization of available bandwidth is maximized while minimizing interference from neighborhood channels, and at the same time satisfying as many call demands as possible. This problem is known to belong to a class of very difficult combinatorial optimization problems such that the difficulty of finding a good solution increases exponentially with an increase in the number of cell to be assigned. In this paper, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve the stated channel assignment problem, using the Philadelphia Benchmark Network as a test case. The results presented in this paper show that channel utilization can be significantly improved with lower channel interference, when compared to comparative solutions reported in literature, and should result into significant gains for network operators.
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