Finite Element Analysis on The AISI 4340 Steel Shaft


  • Blessing Ngozi Goodluck Aliemeke Mechanical Engineering Department, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Nigeria
  • Eugene Igbadumhe Oshawo Mechanical Engineering Department, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Nigeria
  • Abdul Zuberu Jimoh Mechanical Engineering Department, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Nigeria
  • Muniru Braimah Mechanical Engineering Department, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Nigeria


AISI steel, Finiet element method(FEM), maximum stress and total deformation


Finite Element Software was applied to predict and determine stress distribution in the machined AISI steel shaft. The cutting forces which were measured from experimental observation were compared with predicted ones from the FEM. The result showed that the predicted value for maximum stress and minimum stress are 0.107Mpa and 0.053Mpa respectively. The total
deformation of the AISI steel is 7.55e-10m for a spindle speed of 1182.57m/s. The predicted values were found to be within the recommended range of AISI materials and were with good precision when machined. The determined values from the Finite elements software were used to conduct experiment in the machine workshop so as to validate the results obtained


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How to Cite

Aliemeke, B. N. G., Oshawo, E. I., Jimoh, A. Z., & Braimah, M. (2020). Finite Element Analysis on The AISI 4340 Steel Shaft. African Journal of Construction Intelligence (AJCI) , 2(1), 16–23. Retrieved from


