Perceptions of Nigerian Accountants and Engineers on Quality Management and Project Cost in Anambra State, Nigeria
Quality management, project cost, accountants and engineers.Abstract
The study empirically examines the perceptions of Nigerian accountants and engineers, in respect of quality management, project cost, and the critical success factors that affect the performance of project cost in Anambra State
of Nigeria. The target population was eighty (80) registered construction companies in Anambra State. Three research questions were raised and three hypotheses were formulated and tested. The study adopts descriptive
research design. Non-probability sampling method is used to select twentytwo professionals (i.e. accountants (12) and engineers (10)) and primary data were collected through the use of questionnaire. Simple percentage, frequency, charts, mean, single factor ANOVA (multi-level ANOVA) and ttest were used to analyse the data via Statistical Package for Social Science Students (SPSS) version-23. The findings from the study reveal that there is no significant difference in the perceptions of accountants and engineers with regards to the critical success factors that affect the project cost in Anambra State. The study recommends among others that Commitment to quality and to continuous quality development is crucial in project execution
and implementation. Personnel commitment to TQM and participation in the planning process and implementation is crucial.
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