Influence Of Stages Of Seed Maturity On Germination Rate Of (Dennettia Tripetala) Pepper Fruit


  • Nwachukwu, O. C Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Eastern Research Station, Umuahia, Abia State. 
  • Aronu, A. J. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Eastern Research Station, Umuahia, Abia State. 
  • Adebayo, O Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Eastern Research Station, Umuahia, Abia State. 


Influence, stages, seed-maturity, germination, Dennettia tripetala


An investigation was conducted to determine the influence of the stages of seed maturity of Dennettia tripetala on the germination rate of the seed. The stages are green matured, yellowish matured and red matured seeds. The experiment was conducted using Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 replicates for each of the 3 treatments. There was a significant influence on the germination rate of the seeds; the red matured seeds and yellow matured seeds showed greater influence which was significantly different from that of the green matured seeds. Therefore, with the prevalent climatic conditions in the rainforest zone, the farmers are advised to watch out for wildings after each fruiting season of the species, this could also save the time of raising them direct from the seed.



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How to Cite

C, N. O., J., A. A., & O, A. (2023). Influence Of Stages Of Seed Maturity On Germination Rate Of (Dennettia Tripetala) Pepper Fruit . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(2&3), 87–91. Retrieved from


