The Effect Of Pre-Treatments On Germination Of Seeds Of <i>Aframomum Melegueta</i> (Alligator Pepper) In Southern Nigeria


  • Aronu, A. J. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Eastern Research Station, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.
  • Nwachukwu, O. C. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Eastern Research Station, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.
  • Adebayo, O. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Eastern Research Station, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.


Effect, Pre-treatments, Germination, Seeds, Aframomum melegueta


The seeds of Afromomum melegueta are difficult to germinate due to seed dormancy. This has made this  medicinally important species unpopular. Experimentation was carried out in the Eastern Research station  of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Nursery at Umuahia, to test the influence of 3 pre-germination  seed treatments of the seeds of Aframomum melegueta. Simple Complete Randomized Design experiment  with 4 replicates was used. The hot water treatment showed a significant influence on the germination  percentage and significantly different from potash solution and un-boiled water which are statistically the  same with the control.


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How to Cite

J., A. A., C., N. O., & O., A. (2023). The Effect Of Pre-Treatments On Germination Of Seeds Of <i>Aframomum Melegueta</i> (Alligator Pepper) In Southern Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(1), 191–196. Retrieved from


