Effects Of Soil Erosion On Water Sources In The Northeastern Enugu State, Nigeria


  • Eze, H. I. Centre for Environmental Management and Control University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu Campus


Soil erosion, Water sources, Siltation, Pollution and Control measures


Soil erosion is a grave environmental hazard that has both natural and human causes. This study is a review of the effects of soil erosion on the water sources in the Northeastern Enugu State, Nigeria. Since, water is viewed as an indispensable natural  resource for all facets of human development and well being. Its utilities are gradually being destroyed by soil erosion, induced siltation, eutrophication, pollution, water related diseases transmission and channel abrasion. Stringent application of the proffered soil erosion control strategies, outright ban on land use activities at the fringes of the surface water bodies especially in the rainy season, correct water shade management, government subsidization of soil erosion control as well as regular  monitoring of these measured by environmental protection extension personnel will stem in the deterioration of water sources in  the study area.



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How to Cite

I., E. H. (2023). Effects Of Soil Erosion On Water Sources In The Northeastern Enugu State, Nigeria. International Journal Water and Soil Resources Research (IJWSRR), 1(1-3), 116–129. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/ijwsrr/article/view/6


