Petroleum Hydrocarbons And Heavy Metal Concentrations In Tissues Of Periwinkles <i>Tympanotonus Fuscatus </i> From Warri River In Nigeria
Hydrocarbon, heavy metals, pollution, periwinkle, Warri RiverAbstract
The concentrations of hydrocarbons and heavy metals in the tissues of periwinkle Tympanotomus fuscatus from Warri River in Edo State were investigated. The study adopted the experimental design. Six hundred samples of periwinkles collected fortnightly for a period of six months from three stations (Jala, Ubeji and Suoroagbene-control) along Warri River were analysed using Soxhlet Extractor Gravimetric(SEG) method for the determination of hydrocarbons and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) for the determination of heavy metals. The mean concentrations of total hydrocarbon varied as mean Lead (Pb) concentrations also varied. Mercury (Hg) and Cadmium (Cd) were found to be below the instrument detection limit in all the three stations. The concentrations of total hydrocarbon and Lead were significantly higher at Jala and Ubeji than Suoroagbene, the control station. Constant monitoring of water bodies receiving effluents among others was recommended in order to forestall cumulative effects of pollutants which may lead to sub lethal consequences in the aquatic fauna and clinical poisoning to man.
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