Pattern Of Domestic Water Supply In Ugbokolo Community In Benue State, Nigeria


  • Aper, J. A. Department of Geography, Benue State Univesity, Makurdi, Nigeria
  • Agbehi, S. I. Department of Geography, Benue State Univesity, Makurdi, Nigeria


Domestic water supply, dry season, wet season, water shortage, ugbokolo community


This study which adopted the survey research design assessed the spatial and seasonal pattern of domestic water supply in  Ugbokolo community, Benue State. The pattern of water supply in this study was based on data collected through the use of  questionniare and personal observation and oral interview from 17 settlements in the community covering 1,784 households in  2007 using random sampling technique and analysed using percentages. The result showed that mean daily household water  demand in Ugbokolo community was estimated at 155,788 lpd more than the actual available supply of 113,249 lpd, causing water  shortage of about 2,381 lpd. This shortage as revealed by the study was due to the poor water yield from natural and man- made sources, seasonality/irregularity of rainfall, prolonging dry seasons, poor water storage and rainwater harvesting facilities  and overwhelming demands for socio-economic activities in the community. It was recommended that the community should be empowered to treat water from streams in the dry season before drinking to prevent incidences of diseases.



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How to Cite

A., A. J., & I., A. S. (2023). Pattern Of Domestic Water Supply In Ugbokolo Community In Benue State, Nigeria. International Journal Water and Soil Resources Research (IJWSRR), 1(1-3), 72–82. Retrieved from


