Effects of Salt Stress on the Germination, Water Content and Seedling Growth of Zea mays L.


  • Ilori, O. O. Biology Department, Osun State College of Education, Ilesa, Nigeria
  • Baderinwa-Adejumo A. O. Biology Department, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Nigeria
  • Ilori, O. J. Biology Department, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Nigeria


Zea mays, salt stress, inhibition, water content, germination, seedling growth


Salt stress is one of the most severe environmental factors that reduces and limits growth and development  of plants. The aim of this experiment is to examine the effect of NaCl on the germination,  water content and seedling growth of Zea mays L. Seeds of Zea mays were germinated in Petri-dishes  which had been lined with Whatman No 1 filter papers. The filter paper in each of the Petri-dishes allocated  to the control was moistened with ten milliliters of distilled water while that of the Petri-dishes allocated to  the other treatments were moistened with ten milliliters of 10mm, 20mm and 30 mm concentrations of the  NaCl solution. The germination percentage, water absorption of the seeds, water content of the  seedlings  and the growth parameters were determined according to conventional methods. The germination and  growth parameters of NaCl treated seedlings were significantly inhibited at P < 0.05. The inhibition of the  germination percentage, germination rate, water content, growth and biomass accumulation  of the  seedlings were observed to increase significantly with increasing NaCl concentration. 


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How to Cite

O., I. O., O., B.-A. A., & J., I. O. (2023). Effects of Salt Stress on the Germination, Water Content and Seedling Growth of Zea mays L. International Journal Water and Soil Resources Research (IJWSRR), 3(2&amp;3), 19–25. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/ijwsrr/article/view/34


