Littoral <i>Microcrustacean</i> In Cross River Estuary, Nigeria: Ecological Assessment


  • Etim, V. B. School of General Studies, Maritime Academy of Nigeria Oron, Akwa Ibom State - Nigeria
  • Okon, S. U. Department of Biological Oceanography University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
  • Udom, P. S. Department of Biological Oceanography University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria


Littoral, Microcrustaceans, Cross River Estuary, Nigeria


This study aimed at examining the abundance, composition and distribution of littoral microcrustacean in the three respective  habitats of the Cross River Estuary. A total of 324 individual littoral microcrustaceans belonging to 56 species and 10 taxonomic  groups were recorded in the course of the study. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that there was no significant  difference in the littoral microcrustacean abundance between the three stations. The number of individuals in stations 1 and 2  correlate very strongly with the sediment substrate whereas station 3 was negatively correlated with the sediment  substrate. The  relatively low habitat specificity of the littoral microcrustacean in the Cross River Estuary indicates that their broader use as  bioindicators for various anthropogenic stressors should be investigated.



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How to Cite

B., E. V., U., O. S., & S., U. P. (2023). Littoral <i>Microcrustacean</i> In Cross River Estuary, Nigeria: Ecological Assessment. International Journal Water and Soil Resources Research (IJWSRR), 1(1-3), 12–24. Retrieved from


