Incorporating Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies in Adult Basic Literacy Curriculum as a Strategy in curtailing insecurity in Bauchi State, Nigeria


  • Yunusa Abubakar Department of Science Education, Bauchi State University, Gadau
  • Isabella Musyoka-Kamere Department of Educational Foundation, Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya
  • Salome Nyambura Department of Educational Foundation, Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenya


Insecurity, Curriculum, Adult Basic Literacy, Conflict resolution, Peace


The study assesses the perception of adult education students on incorporating
peace and conflict resolution studies in adult basic literacy curriculum as a
strategy for security in the Bauchi State, Nigeria. Research design employed is a
descriptive survey. A sample of 250 students of adult education in Bauchi State
was selected. The questionnaire was the data collection instrument. The
questionnaire was validated through the application of content validity. Test-retest
reliability was adopted to ensure the reliability of the instrument. A correlation
coefficient of 0.80 was obtained and considered high enough to judge the
reliability of the instrument. Simple percentage and frequency distribution were
used to analyze the data. The results revealed that incorporating peace and
conflict studies in the adult basic literacy curriculum could minimize incidences of
insecurity in Bauchi State. Hence, government should incorporate peace and
conflict study in the adult basic literacy curriculum.


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How to Cite

Abubakar, Y., Musyoka-Kamere, I., & Nyambura, S. (2022). Incorporating Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies in Adult Basic Literacy Curriculum as a Strategy in curtailing insecurity in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 13(2), 88–95. Retrieved from


