Factors and Indicators of Professional Teacher in the Digital Age under the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education Promotion, District in the Three Southern Border Provinces, Thailand


  • Tawatchai Sunthonnon Educational Administration, Hatyai University, Thailand
  • Wan Dechpichai Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, Hatyai University, Thailand
  • Tripumin Tritrishual Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, Hatyai University, Thailand


the Digital Age, Professional Teacher, Factors and Indicators


The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors and indicators of professional teachers in the
digital age of teachers under the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education Promotion,
District in the three Southern Border Provinces of Thailand. It adopts a model that consists of 2
phases: Phase 1, Qualitative Research, A selective method was used to conduct in-depth interviews
with seven experts with knowledge and experience of being a professional teacher in the digital
age. Phase 2, a quantitative research A simple random sampling method was used to select 37
people from the three Southern Border Provinces. A questionnaire tool that passed the validation
check from 7 experts and got a CVI index of .957 is used data collection. The Cronbach's alpha
coefficient is used to calculate the confidence value for the whole edition. The experiments were
carried out on a similar group of 30 people, and the data are analyzed using Exploratory Factor
Analysis (EFA). The results found that there were 5 factors and 46 indicators, and when analyzing
the survey factors, it was found that there were 7 factors and 43 indicators, of which the factors had
Eigen Value ranged from 1.038 to 18.196, the percentage of variance was between 2.256 and
39.557, and the cumulative percentage of variance was between 39.557 and 65.332. It observes the
following: promoting educational innovation and digital intelligence, 16 indicators, Teacher
Professional Ethics, 8 indicators, Comprehensive self-development, 6 indicators; Promoting
learning community, 4 indicators; Promoting professional skills, 3 indicators, Promoting lifelong
learning, 3 indicators and Social intelligence, 3 indicators.


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How to Cite

Sunthonnon, T., Dechpichai, W., & Tritrishual, T. (2022). Factors and Indicators of Professional Teacher in the Digital Age under the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education Promotion, District in the Three Southern Border Provinces, Thailand. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 13(1), 42–56. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1510


