English and Spanish Languages Learning in Africa


  • Aria John Saleh Department of English, Nasarawa State College of Education, P. M. B. 05, Akwanga, Nasarawa State, Nigeria


teaching, Spanish language, language learning, English language


This review focuses on the English language and Spanish language learning in Africa. It also
attempts to find out how many countries speak English and Spanish languages according to
regions, Africa, Asia, Europe, Central America, North America, South America and other parts
of the world. This study reveals that English and Spanish number among the language of the
world and thousands of English words exist, converted into Spanish with their English meaning
sustained. It also reveals that 24 of the 54 countries in African continent speak English and
Equatorial Guinea as the only Spanish speaking country in the African continent. Based on the
fact that majority of the countries of the world including United States of America speak Spanish
language, this study recommends the inclusion of the Spanish language in the curriculum of
both the secondary and tertiary levels of education as well as immersion programs for the
respective levels of education in Africa. The training and retraining of teachers by the Spanish
government in collaboration with UNESCO is also recommended.


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How to Cite

Saleh, A. J. (2020). English and Spanish Languages Learning in Africa. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 11(3), 155–161. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1506


