Portuguese Language for Education and Economic Development in Africa


  • Aria John Saleh Department of English, School of Languages, Nasarawa State College of Education, P. M. B. 05, Akwanga, Nasarawa State, Nigeria


Africa, language family, Portuguese language


The thrust of this study is to examine the nexus between Portuguese Language
for Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa. The study attempts
to identify the number of Portuguese speaking countries in Africa. The study
also identifies the language family of the Portuguese language as well as the
percentage of Portuguese speakers in each region. Consequently, Africa must
operate first in African languages. However, rooms must also be made for
learning major world languages as foreign languages are intended to facilitate
communication with the outside world but not for communication within.
Hence, the Portuguese government should liaise with respective countries
globally for the purpose of inculcating the language in their language
curriculum at the tertiary level of education.


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How to Cite

Saleh, A. J. (2019). Portuguese Language for Education and Economic Development in Africa. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 10(3), 144–150. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1494


