French Language Education in Nigeria: Significance and Status


  • A. J. Saleh Department of English, Nasarawa State College of Education, Akwanga


status, global, official, language, French


French is one of the international languages most widely used in commerce,
science, technology, research, administration, education, literature among
others. This study reviews French language education in Nigeria. The
objective is to examine the significance and status of French as one of the
international languages studied in Nigeria. The work tries to find out the
reasons for learning French language in Nigeria. Literature shows that
French is a foreign language in Nigeria because it is not indigenous to any
ethnic group in Nigeria. It has an unfamiliar phonology in a multilingual
and diverse cultural society such as Nigeria. The work recommends that the
teaching of French language should be included in the primary school
curriculum since the language has gained an international status. The
teaching of the language should also be restructured in the secondary school
curriculum where every student would learn the language beyond Junior
Secondary School level.


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How to Cite

Saleh, A. J. (2019). French Language Education in Nigeria: Significance and Status. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 10(1), 14–21. Retrieved from


