Teaching Information Literacy Skills in Nigerian Universities: Whose Responsibility?


  • U. A. Abubakar Science Education Programme, School of Technology Education AbubakarTafawaBalewaUniversity, Bauchi
  • A. A. Isyaku The University Library, AbubakarTafawaBalewaUniversity, Bauchi


Information literacy is an important programme in the development of effective
teaching, learning and research in a university. It is considered to be the survival
skill of any information society. It is receiving an increasing academic attention
all over the world and as it was found to be an effective means for addressing
issues of social, cultural and economical importance. This is a theoretical study.
To that effect, this study examined the concept of information literacy and the
processes involved in teaching it at the university level of education in Nigeria.
It briefly discussed and pinpoints the parties to be responsible for teaching the
skill in the university. Methods and skills needed in teaching were also discussed.
Conclusively, that librarians and faculty should engage in collaborative teaching
strategy in teaching the concepts. They should also acquaint themselves with the
available models for teaching it.


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How to Cite

Abubakar, U. A., & Isyaku, A. A. (2012). Teaching Information Literacy Skills in Nigerian Universities: Whose Responsibility?. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(2), 33–42. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1290


