Health And Safety Practices Among Farmers In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Khana And Gokhana Local Government Areas, Of Rivers State


  • V. K. Kina Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


agriculture, farmers, risk assessment, Health and safety


The development of appropriate health and safety interventions for farmers and
agricultural workers is important world-wide but data on present practices show
that attitude to safety practice are lacking in Khana and Gokhana Local
Government Areas. A representative sampling of 120 farmers was surveyed on
health and safety practices, risk assessment and control measures, in relations to
farming business using structured questionnaire and in-depth interview. Findings
demonstrated that farmers in the areas have low awareness of assessment of risk
hazards associated with farming. Based on this, the study suggests supportive
strategies through orientation, awareness campaign, training and workshops to
enable individual farmers accept basic health and safety practices to improve
their health.


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How to Cite

Kina, V. K. (2012). Health And Safety Practices Among Farmers In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Khana And Gokhana Local Government Areas, Of Rivers State. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(1), 59–63. Retrieved from


