Development of Computer-Based Gait Monitoring System


  • O. R. Oyeniran Department of Electrical Engineering, Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke, Nigeria


Gait, Kinematics, Gait Monitoring System, Transceiver, Repeatability, Wireless


We have developed a compact, wireless, wearable sensor-impregnated
shoe that is used to monitor the ground reaction force data exerted on
the foot during walking. This paper discusses the entire system that
consists of two basic units: mobile transmitting unit and stationary
receiving unit. Detail information about the pressure distribution and
relative position of the foot is provided with real-time and wireless
transmission of the data from instrumented shoe attachment to a receiver
connected to a nearby personal computer. This is designed and tested
that it can overcome the physiological constraint problems of most kinetic
method of gait analysis.


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How to Cite

Oyeniran, O. R. (2013). Development of Computer-Based Gait Monitoring System. Journal of Chemical, Mechanical and Engineering Practices (JCMEP), 3(3), 11–16. Retrieved from


