Sodium Benzoate and Bitumen Coatings as Inhibitors of Corrosion Deterioration of Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Steel


  • T. N. Guma Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna, Nigeria
  • P. B. Madakson Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • D. S. Yawas Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
  • S. Y. Aku Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria


Steel corrosion, inhibition, bitumen coatings, sodium benzoate, NaClborne aqueous


Corrosion of carbon steel is an enormous problem of practical importance and there have been searches for optimal ways of preventing it in all quarters. A previous study has shown that Nigeria has abundant good-quality bitumen resources for sustained exploitation. Bitumen are common and economical coat-inhibitors of steel corrosion. In that study, the inhibition performances by various coating thicknesses from 0.81 to 1.46mm of bitumens obtained from the resources on resistance to the corrosion
deterioration were evaluated through laboratory tests. The study intended to
appreciate better, the capability levels of protective performance by the bitumen coatings. The performances by different quantities of sodium benzoate from 50 to 250ppm which are each per se treated to a similar corrosive test medium and under the same test procedures are evaluated on the other hand. Comparative assessment of all results, shows that 250ppm of the benzoate treatment shows the highest resistance to corrosion while 0.81mm coating thicknesses in inhibiting the corrosion has the least resistance.


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How to Cite

Guma, T. N., Madakson, P. B., Yawas, D. S., & Aku, S. Y. (2012). Sodium Benzoate and Bitumen Coatings as Inhibitors of Corrosion Deterioration of Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Steel. Journal of Chemical, Mechanical and Engineering Practices (JCMEP), 2(3), 34–44. Retrieved from


