The Use Of Field Test Coupled With Genetic Algorithm For Estimation Of Induction Motor Parameters


  • Anibasa A. O. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna


Genetic algorithms, equivalent circuits, induction motors, optimization methods, parameter estimation


This paper proposed a technique for estimating the parameters of three-phase induction motor in order to conduct on-site energy audits of existing motors, which are then used to project a cost savings. This proposed technique uses only a few sets of data (voltage, current, speed, power factor or torque if possible) from the field test of motor (on-site), instead of the no-load and blocked rotor tests, coupled with the genetic algorithm for
evaluating the equivalent circuit parameters. Once these parameters are known it is possible to obtain the operating performances (50-100%) of the motor such as efficiency, current, torque. This technique could be suitable for the general purpose drive applications when the motor cannot operate at no-load since its shaft is permanently connected to its load. To illustrate how well the performances of the estimated model match that of the actual motor obtained from load test, the results of estimated operating performances of 3HP and 5HP induction motor, that is, efficiency, input current, torque
and power factor, were compared to those obtained from load tests. The results show that the estimated operating performances using six-impedance equivalent circuit compared to those obtained from load test are acceptable.

Author Biography

Anibasa A. O., Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna


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How to Cite

O., A. A. (2010). The Use Of Field Test Coupled With Genetic Algorithm For Estimation Of Induction Motor Parameters. Journal of Chemical, Mechanical and Engineering Practices (JCMEP), 1(2&3), 62–71. Retrieved from


