Strength Of Adhesive Bonded Joints: Bending Test


  • S. O. Okpighe Department of Project Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.


Adhesive Joints, Flexural Strength, Laminated Beams


An experimental investigation of "Strength of Adhesive Bonded Joints: Bending Tests" was presented. In this investigation, the Flexural Strength of Parent Aluminum specimen, Aluminum - Aluminum Laminate specimen and Aluminum- Steel Laminate specimen were determined experimentally. The Adhesive used for gluing the Aluminum (Aluminum Laminate and the Aluminum - Steel Laminate) was Araldite (an Epoxy Adhesive). The specimens were rigged up horizontally as simply supported beams and loaded vertically at their geometric centre. The beam loading versus deflection relationship for each specimen was developed and analyzed. Consequent on the above,
the flexural strengths for the Parent Aluminum specimen, Aluminum - Aluminum Laminate and Aluminum - Steel Laminates were determined. The results revealed among others that the Aluminum - Aluminum Laminate's Flexural Strength was higher than that of the Parent Aluminum Plate. Therefore, it is more economical where there is the constraint of space to use Aluminum - Steel Laminate because higher strength is obtained even though the total laminate depth is less compared to that of Aluminum - Aluminum Laminate.


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How to Cite

Okpighe, S. O. (2010). Strength Of Adhesive Bonded Joints: Bending Test. Journal of Chemical, Mechanical and Engineering Practices (JCMEP), 1(2&3), 103–110. Retrieved from


