Intrigue of Press Freedom and Journalistic Apprehension in Nigeria


  • P. O. Awofadeju Mass Communication Department, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Osun State, Nigeria
  • A. L. Adeyemo Mass Communication Department, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Osun State, Nigeria
  • Kwembili Christian Mass Communication Department, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Osun State, Nigeria


Press freedom, journalist, media houses, report, news


Press freedom means absolute freedom of journalist and media houses to report news to the general public without any form of resistance or hostility from the government and general public,’ this study seeks to find out if press freedom is achievable or not. The study adopts survey research method. Interview schedule is the instrument used to gather data for this study. Participants for this study are selected from Osun and Oyo States through convenient sampling method. This study concludes that press freedom is achievable in Nigeria and the whole world at large, provided that the government will enforce the “Freedom of Information (FOI) Law” and also respect the same, moreover, security measures should be put in place to ensure the protection of lives of the journalists in the line of the




How to Cite

Awofadeju, P. O., Adeyemo, A. L., & Christian, K. (2015). Intrigue of Press Freedom and Journalistic Apprehension in Nigeria. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 6(2), 48–59. Retrieved from


