Atmospheric Corrosion Of Metallic Roofing Sheet In Building Construction In The Niger Delta Region Of Nigeria


  • Obia, A. E. Department of Architecture,Cross River University of Technology Calabar, Cross River State - Nigeria
  • Obot, I. D. Department of Architecture University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State - Nigeria


Climate factors, corrosion, galvanization, Niger Delta, synergism


The unique humid equatorial climate of the coastal Niger Delta region of Nigeria has often been suspected to be a major player in the degradation of metallic  building and engineering materials in the region. This study examined the role  of dominant climatic factors as well as pollutants' concentrations in the  corrosion of galvanized iron roofing sheets in the region. Twelve experimental  racks composed of cut pieces of galvanized iron were planted across three sites  in the region for one year. Monthly readings of four climatic factors  (temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, and wind velocity) and concentrations  of aerosol and sulphur dioxide (SO2) were taken at each rack station during the  period. The mass loss of each of the specimens was determined at the end of  the experiment. The obtained data, both of mass loss and atmospheric factors  were subjected to multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis to  determine their relative influences in the corrosion plague. It was revealed that  there is synergism amongst the factors in their contribution to corrosion impact.  Of special note is the fact that the sulphur dioxide was observed not to  suit our purpose. To ameliorate the situation, alternative roofing materials that  are cheap and durable but less susceptible to corrosion attack as galvanized iron  should be explored. 


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How to Cite

E., O. A., & D., O. I. (2023). Atmospheric Corrosion Of Metallic Roofing Sheet In Building Construction In The Niger Delta Region Of Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(2&3), 117–124. Retrieved from


