Creative Writing as a Driving Force in The Making of a Society


  • G. U. Saleh Department of European Languages, Yusuf Bala Usman College of Legal and General Studies, Daura, Katsina State, Nigeria.


cultural conflict, Creative writing


Creative writing in Nigeria and indeed Africa has gone on actively for over
half a century and has passed several stages. The themes treated however,
range from cultural conflict at the early stage to economic and social problems
at the later stage. Considering the rate at which the world is changing
rapidly there is need for a corresponding change in creative writing. This
study is a result of my personal experience of several years of studying the
subject both as a student and a lecturer from the mid-eighties to the present
day. The work highlights the role a writer should play in the making of a
society; it essentially reflects writing in the past, the present and juxtaposes
the two with a view to focusing on the future. The work proposes that whatever
positions a writer may take or the class he may belong to, his writing should
serve as a spring board for moving the society forward. This should be
commensurate to the period, place and circumstances in which the society
finds itself.


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How to Cite

Saleh, G. U. (2018). Creative Writing as a Driving Force in The Making of a Society. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 9(3), 164–171. Retrieved from


