Social Studies Education as an Antidote to Corruption among Political Class in Nigeria


  • J. Okogu Department of Social Science Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


citizenship, social studies education, corruption, Political class


The study investigated Social Studies education as antidote to corruption
among political class in Nigeria. The researcher discovered that social studies
focus on citizenship education. Citizenship is the process through which
Nigeria political class can acquire and internalize the values, sentiments
and societal norms that is relevant to occupying political offices including
anti-social and unguided political exuberance. It is with this mind-set that
the researcher recommended among others that: Nigeria political class
should be given general orientation on social studies education, they should
acquire social skills that involves self-control in public offices and to be
very familiar with the common values of our societies as enshrined in the
constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Okogu, J. (2018). Social Studies Education as an Antidote to Corruption among Political Class in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 9(3), 172–177. Retrieved from


