Awareness, Availability and Utilization of ICT Facilities for Effective Service Delivery in Academic Libraries in Nigeria


  • Edidiong Akpan-Atata Akwa Ibom State University Library Obio Akpa Campus, Oruk Anam Local Government Area, Nigeria
  • E. T. Enyene Akwa Ibom State University Library Obio Akpa Campus, Oruk Anam Local Government Area, Nigeria


Academic Libraries, Effective Service Delivery, ICT Facilities, Utilization, Availability


This paper assesses the availability and utilization of ICT facilities for
effective service delivery in academic libraries in Nigeria. The paper
opines that since the beginning of the 21st Century, Libraries automation
has come to stay and since then library services delivery have undergone
changes from purely manual to modern technology- driven, the aftermath
being challenges in terms of inadequacy of manpower, infrastructure
and finance. The paper then recommends that since ICT has come to stay,
academic libraries in Nigeria should adopt a positive attitude towards
its adoption and adaptation to enhance their service delivery. It
encourages libraries to train and retrain their staff to adopt ICTs. It
concludes that academic libraries and Librarians should not remain
onlookers rather should be active participants in policy formulation
and implementation as its affects ICT usage in academic libraries.

Author Biography

Edidiong Akpan-Atata, Akwa Ibom State University Library Obio Akpa Campus, Oruk Anam Local Government Area, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Akpan-Atata, E., & Enyene, E. T. (2014). Awareness, Availability and Utilization of ICT Facilities for Effective Service Delivery in Academic Libraries in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 5(3), 10–19. Retrieved from


