Incorporating Peace Building and Conflict Management Studies in Nomadic Basic Education Curriculum towards Curtailing Insecurity in North-East Sub-Region, Nigeria


  • Yunusa Abubakar Bauchi State University, Gadau


Nomadic education teachers, incorporating conflict management, education curriculum, curtailing insecurity


A survey to assess the perception of Nomadic education teachers on incorporating conflict management in nomadic basic education curriculum was conducted as a strategy for curtailing insecurity in the North Eastern States of Nigeria. The study was piloted in nomadic schools in Bauchi, Gombe and Adamawa States. The population comprises all Nomadic Education Teachers and Coordinators. A total of 300 nomadic education teachers were selected using simple random sampling technique. Questionnaire and interviews was the instrument of data collection. The instrument was Pilot tested using 10 nomadic teachers from each State. The questionnaire was validated through application of content validity by three (3) experts in the Faculty of Education, Bauchi State University Gadau. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), frequency count and simple percentage. Curtailing the menace of insecurity is an important task that must be taken in to serious consideration as no society will develop in an insured environment. Hence, government should ensure the incorporation of peace building and conflict management study in the nomadic education curriculum.


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How to Cite

Abubakar, Y. (2024). Incorporating Peace Building and Conflict Management Studies in Nomadic Basic Education Curriculum towards Curtailing Insecurity in North-East Sub-Region, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 15(2), 53–66. Retrieved from